Archive for December, 2012

Installing OpenERP 5 on openSuSE 12 servers

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

OpenERP version 5 won’t work with python 2.7 installed be default on openSuSE 12.1 server. The trick is to download and install python 2.6 as source and install it parallel to default version.

After that, you’ll have two python executables on the system, python (for 2.7) and python2.6 for the outdated version. The 2.6 version will be used to start the openerp server as below :

python2.6 -r dbuser -w dbpassword &


Also, you need to install system wide packages needed by default installation of the openERP system. And you must use python2.6 or easy_install-2.6 to install missing python modules. My system was up and running after installing below python modules :

python modules

You must choose the same python module version numbers, update versions won’t work.