Archive for November, 2012

Error with OpenERP web client

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

After transferring our openERP 5.0.16 server to a new host, we are getting this error message while trying to add an attachment through the web client :

a class that defines __slots__ without defining __getstate__ cannot be pickled

The problem was that the default version of cherrypy was 3.2.2 and the web-server seems to have needed 3.1.2.
You can useĀ  ‘easy_install cherrypy==3.1.2’ to install the required version and now the web-server works fine.


Joomla Page Not Found Error with awardspace webhosting

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

Hosting Joomla on awardspace servers will probably cause your Joomla site to not direct to pages and articles correctly and you’ll be getting a lot of pages not found errors – “404 Page Not Found”.

Such issues are usually caused by the SEF functionality of Joomla. There are several things you should check in order to fix this:

  • Open your configuration.php file and edit the var $live_site = ‘ ‘; line to match the actual URL of your website. If your website is for example, the line should look like this:

    var $live_site = ‘ ‘;

  • Go to the administrative end of your Joomla website -> Global Configuration and make sure that Search Engine Friendly URLs is set to Yes.
  • Also check that Use URL rewriting is set to No. Also in Global Configuration.
  • Make sure you have renamed the htaccess.txt file in your Joomla folder to .htaccess.
  • Edit .htaccess file and comment outĀ Mod_rewrite in use.

If you follow all of the steps above you should have a fully operational Joomla website with the SEF functionality enabled.